Category: Reviews

The Master – Review

Excerpts from Allie Tollaksen‘s review at the The Observer, a student-run, newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s: … many assumed the film was a thinly-veiled history of a religion or a condemnation of...

Snowpiercer vs. The Giver (1More Film Blog)

Kenneth R. Morefield compares the two recent movies. The more heavily the ideological deck is stacked in a film, the more the viewer is forced into a passive role. Rather than being invited to...

Poster for Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy: Distributed Christ

I was expecting Guardians of the Galaxy to be a fun and funny summer action sci-fi flick and I wasn’t disappointed. I was more surprised to find a distributed model of Christ figure in it....

Filmwell: Rectify as “Christian Art”

…Season 1 of Rectify played on Sundance last year, and a new season has recently begun.  If this season is anything like the last, Seitz’ suggestion that the show is “truly Christian art“ will only become clearer. Season 1...

Women, Religion, and Film: Higher Ground Raises the Stakes

Sarah Sentilles provides an intelligent review at Religion Dispatches of a new movie titled Higher Ground. She starts it with Watching Higher Ground, Vera Farmiga’s directorial debut based on Carolyn Briggs’ memoir This Dark World, felt like...

Dr David Tollerton: Job of Suburbia?

Dr David Tollerton wrote an article titled “Job of Suburbia? A Serious Man and Viewer Perceptions of the Biblical” about the Coen brothers‘ movie A Serious Man, which will come out in the next issue...

Wendy M. Wright: Of Gods and Men

Wendy M. Wright wrote an article about the 2010 French drama Of Gods and Men, which will come out in the next issue of the Journal of Religion and Film. She starts her article with It...