Category: About

Books added to in March 2016

In the month of March 2016 I added this 19 books to that discusses aspects of film/TV and religion. About half of them are from the last year, and the rest is from...

Articles added to in March 2016

In the month of March 2016 I added this 49 articles to that discusses aspects of film/TV and religion. About half of them are from the last few months, but the rest is...

Articles added to this site in 2015

” And You Were There”: A Trip Down the Yellow Brick Road with the Academic Study of Religion by Laurel Zwissler (2014-10) Anti-Feminism in Recent Apocalyptic Film by Joel W. Martin (2000-04) The Apocalyptic...

Status at 200 posts

I just posted the 200th entry in this blog. Good time to take stock. As of now The site’s Facebook page has 35 likes On Twitter we have 24 followers We had 8,682 sessions...

Social media channels cover image

New cover photo

Check out the new cover photo for this site’s social media channels created from the covers of recent books on religion and film. Click the image below to view the full size and check our...

Books added to the site: January 28, 2013

These ten books were added to the site today: Avatar and Nature Spirituality (2013) by Bron Taylor (Editor) Bible and Cinema: Fifty Key Films (2012) by Adele Reinhartz (editor) The Bloomsbury Companion to Religion...

Books added to the site: January 20, 2013

These eight books were added to the site today: Roman Catholicism in Fantastic Film: Essays on Belief, Spectacle, Ritual and Imagery (2011) by Regina Hansen Saint Paul at the Movies: The Apostle’s Dialogue With...

Books added to the site, January 19, 2013

Pages with summaries of the books were added to the site of these books today: Bresson and Others: Spiritual Style in the Cinema (2009) by Bert Cardullo Celluloid Sermons: The Emergence of the Christian...

Syllabi added November 8, 2011

Added three syllabi to the collection: Faith, Culture, and Independent Film(COM 685) (2012) by Marc T. Newman, Ph.D Myth and Ritual on Film(RELI 20803) (2004) by Dr. S. Brent Plate

Books added November 7, 2011

Nourishing Faith Through Fiction: Reflections of the Apostles’ Creed in Literature and Film (2001) by John R. May (editor) Pauline Images in Fiction and Film: On Reversing the Hermeneutical Flow (1999) by Larry Joseph...