Gospel Images in Fiction and Film: On Reversing the Hermeneutical Flow
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- Author: Larry Joseph Kreitzer
- Year: 2002
- Publisher: Sheffield Academic Press
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This is Dr. Kreitzer's fourth study in the Biblical Seminar series in which the connections between the Biblical texts, classic works of literature and cinematic interpretations of those works of literature are explored. The aim is to illuminate both the New Testament texts and facets of contemporary culture through a cross-disciplinary approach. This volume contains studies of T.S. Eliot's Christmas poem "The Journey of the Magi," Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness, and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, in addition to discussion of several influential works from the world of cinema, including such diverse contributions as Star Trek, Apocalypse Now, and High Noon. In each instance the discussion is set against the backdrop of words and images drawn from the sayings of Jesus.