Watching God’s Top 10 Movies for 2021 [Patheos]
From Patheos by Paul Asay
Sure, the films that land on this list are, I think, pretty good films. They’re artistically sound and aesthetically pleasing. They tend to be movies that moved me, too—movies that I liked or said something that I feel is worth saying. But because this is Watching God, after all, these movies also have some spiritual heft to them, too: They might be deeply religious or just have a kernel of faith. Or, in some cases, they just make me think about my own beliefs in my own off-kilter way. I’ve linked to those that I’ve written about in a little more depth than a top 10 list allows, too…
1. Belfast: [..] Sights and sounds from the classic High Noon help frame Belfast as not just a bittersweet, funny reminiscence, but a moral crucible, where character is both formed and tested. And perhaps as Buddy’s thundering preacher would say, the best road can be the toughest.
Trailer for Belfast: