The October 2012 issue of the Journal of Religion and Film
The October 2012 issue of the Journal of Religion and Film is online. It contains 10 essays, one book review and four film reviews. As usual, each piece is available as a PDF download, free of charge. Here is a quick table of contents:
- The Magdalene Sisters: How to Solve the Problem of ‘Bad’ Girls by Irena S. M. Makarushka Ph.D.
- The Ring Goes to Different Cultures: A Call for Cross Cultural Studies of Religious Horror Films by Seung Min Hong
- The Reenchantment of Eschatology: Religious Secular Apocalypse in Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams by Justin Heinzekehr
- Hitchcock and the Scapegoat: Violence and Victimization in The Wrong Man by David Humbert
- Melodrama on a Mission: Latter-Day Saint Film and the Melodramatic Mode by Airen Hall
- “Everything’s Going to Be OK:” Source Code and the Dramas of Desire by David L. Smith
- Framing Salvation: Biblical Apocalyptic, Cinematic Dystopia, and Contextualizing the Narrative of Salvation by Caesar A. Montevecchio
- The Transformation of the Pope: The Agony and The Ecstasy (1965) and The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) by Jennifer Mara DeSilva
- Whale Rider: The Re-enactment of Myth and the Empowerment of Women by Kevin V. Dodd
- Babette’s Feast and the Goodness of God by Thomas J. Curry
Book Review
- Celluloid Sermons: The Emergence of the Christian Film Industry, 1930-1986, by Terry Lindvall and Andrew Quicke (NYU Press, 2011) by Zachary Ingle
Film Reviews
- The Cabin in the Woods by Thomas Greenish
- The Master by William L. Blizek
- Being Flynn by Lisa D. Wiley Ms
- Crooked Arrows by Jordan Printup and Richard Salter